Guest Lecture by Graduate Student Mario Corchero

Nov 29, 2022 5:30 PM
Universidad de Extremadura
Av. de la Universidad, S/N, Cáceres, Extremadura 10003

Roberto Rodríguez Echeverría and José María Conejero Manzano have organized an invited talk by UEx graduate student Mario Corchero for current students. Mario is currently working at Bloomberg, and in his talk, he wants to show our students how the subjects he took in the degree have been helpful to solve real problems and challenges he has encountered in his work at Bloomberg. Javier Zugasti will join him to tell you about Bloomberg’s job opportunities.

The talk will take place on Tuesday, November 29, at 17:30h in the Assembly Hall of the Polytechnic School. 

Although initially geared towards 3rd and 4th-year students, it is suitable for any student, regardless of year.

Mario Corchero is a Senior Software Developer at Bloomberg. He leads the Python infrastructure team, enabling the company to work effectively in Python, building company-wide libraries and tools. His professional experience resides mainly in Python and C++, and he has contributed some patches to multiple Python open source projects.

Javier Zugasti holds a degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. After two years working in Germany in the automotive industry, Javier has worked at Bloomberg Engineering for 12 years as a software developer and managing engineering teams producing financial applications for the Bloomberg Terminal. In the last 3 of those years, managing the News Production Engineering department that supports almost 4000 journalists worldwide responsible for creating Bloomberg News content.

Update: the event was a huge success!

If you are interested in their scholarships or jobs, you can find more information here:

José M. Conejero
José M. Conejero
Associate Professor

Assistant Professor at Universidad de Extremadura. My research interests include Model-Driven Development, Data Science, Machine Learning.

Roberto Rodriguez-Echeverria
Roberto Rodriguez-Echeverria
Associate Professor

Associate Professor at Universidad de Extremadura. Deep learner, MTB rider and father of 2.