
Project overview

MusicGenia’s main goal consists in building a cloud-based platform to offer AI-generated production music as a service for content creators and media, which can be consumed online (live music generation) or offline (recorded music generation). The direct benefits of that platform are: (1) music free of royalties; (2) original music; (3) easy to find music suiting your content; and (4) music on stream (consume as much as you need, pay per seconds not per song).

Roberto Rodriguez-Echeverria
Roberto Rodriguez-Echeverria
Associate Professor

Associate Professor at Universidad de Extremadura. Deep learner, MTB rider and father of 2.

Juan D. Gutiérrez
Juan D. Gutiérrez
Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor at Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. I enjoy computing but, above all, learning new things.

Sara Guillén Torrado
Sara Guillén Torrado

Software Engineering student at the Universidad de Extremadura (UEx) interested in Artificial Intelligence.