
Project overview

MusicGenia’s main goal consists in building a cloud-based platform to offer AI-generated production music as a service for content creators and media, which can be consumed online (live music generation) or offline (recorded music generation). The direct benefits of that platform are: (1) music free of royalties; (2) original music; (3) easy to find music suiting your content; and (4) music on stream (consume as much as you need, pay per seconds not per song).

Roberto Rodriguez-Echeverria
Roberto Rodriguez-Echeverria
Associate Professor

Associate Professor at Universidad de Extremadura. My research interests include Software Engineering, Model-Driven Engineering, Data Science, Machine Learning.

Juan D. Gutiérrez
Juan D. Gutiérrez
Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor at Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. I enjoy computing but, above all, learning new things.

Sara Guillén Torrado
Sara Guillén Torrado

Software Engineering student at the Universidad de Extremadura (UEx) interested in Artificial Intelligence.